Goal 1: Organize, maintain and expand
access to information
Goal 2: Provide information-seeking, critical
analysis skills to
all students so that they become proficient users of
information and information technology
Goal 3: Make the Library an inviting, student-oriented place
work and learn
Goal 4: Maintain a technical infrastructure that will support
access requirements of students, faculty and staff into
the 21st century
Goal 5: Develop a human resources infrastructure in the LAMC
Library to ensure effective functioning in the rapidly
evolving information environment
Information technologies continue to evolve and impact the roles of librarians, libraries, and the services they provide to students. With the vast quantity of new information available daily and the increasing diverse tools for accessing information, students' needs for instruction on gaining access to, using and evaluating information is becoming more critical. Information offered through the catalog, databases, and Library Web pages has to be organized, updated, modified, and maintained. Stable monetary sources are necessary for planning and providing access to onsite and remote information resources. Sustainable and reliable systems for delivering information resources need to be maintained. In Spring 1997, the Los Angeles Mission College Library moved into a new high-tech fully networked building with Pentium computers available to access information. This new building provides a basic technical infrastructure for providing library services. Human resources and funding needed to support information technology and services are greatly lacking. To accomplish the goals and strategies in the Library Technology Master Plan, additional funding and staffing is imperative.
Following is the current status of the technology and information
resource environment
in the LAMC Library.
Physical building:
The Library is located on one floor of a new Library/Learning Resource building and occupies 17,650 assignable square feet. The building meets California State seismic safety requirements and ADA access specifications to collections and seating. In addition to 119 individual study spaces, five group study rooms are wired for computers and network access, and accommodate an additional 40 students. A 3M theft detection system is located at the entrance to the Library.
Information Resources:
Information is available to users in multiple formats. Library holdings consist of 38,457 book titles, 120 current periodical titles, 14 current periodical titles on microfilm, and subscriptions to several online periodical and reference databases that increase the periodical collection to over 1,800 titles. Instructional Television Videos and other informational videos are currently housed and circulated by the Learning Assistance Center. Additionally Internet access is available on all Library computers.
Access to the Librarys information resources is provided to users in several ways. An online public access catalog (OPAC) is available on four computers to access books located in the Los Angeles Mission College (LAMC) Library as well as those located in any of the college Libraries in the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). Only a few videos held at LAMC are available through the OPAC. Videos are no longer purchased or cataloged by the Library. Although a Web interface is currently available to access the LACCD database, LAMC librarians have determined that it does not adequately meet the information retrieval needs of LAMC users and have chosen not to implement it until it is refined. Our Library Systems provider and Information Technology at the District currently anticipate that the new improved Web access to the LACCD database will be available by Fall 2000. Web access will provide users remote access to the OPAC. All of the Librarys periodical and research databases can be accessed from the Librarys Web page from any computer on campus. Additionally, two of the databases can be accessed from computers off campus by authorized users.
Instructional Resources and Information Competency:
Faculty librarians provide students individual instruction and research assistance in order to meet their educational objectives. Librarians also give Library orientations that introduce students to the Library and to research by demonstrating how to find information using the online catalog and databases. Internet Research Methods, a one-unit course, is also taught by librarians. This course teaches students how to find, evaluate and cite information found on the Internet.
The Library has many printed guides available to assist students such as: How to Use the Catalog, How to Access Databases Off Campus, and Examples for Citing Sources. Most of these are not available from the Library Web page.
Currently Mission College does not have a formal program or a plan to teach the necessary information competency skills to students to enable them to become proficient users of information. May 2000, the LAMC Academic Senate passed a resolution to form a Working Task Force to identify the Information Competency Skills necessary for LAMC students and develop a plan for teaching these skills and incorporating them into the curriculum. This task force will begin its work August 2000.
Technology Infrastructure:
Workstations in the LAMC Library are connected to the campus local area Novell/NT network. The network is a fully switched network that is linked with a T1 communications line into a wide area network that includes the LACCD office and other campuses within the District. The fiber optic backbone utilizes Category 5 wiring. Network wiring protocol is Ethernet. Internet access is provided by CSUnet.
The Library Automation System is provided to the LACCD Libraries on a DEC Alpha class computer. DRA software adhering to Z39.50 linking standard is in place. A systems analyst/operator at the District handles hardware and software update problems as part of his assignment. A LC MARC formatted database is in place and is estimated to be 85% complete. Completion of the database and database cleanup are still needed. LAMC Library utilizes DRAnet as it bibliographic utility. The public access catalog and cataloging modules were implemented at Mission College in 1997, and because of local technical problems, the circulation system was not operational at Mission until 1999. The Library Automation system now allows Mission College students and faculty access to over 800,000 items held in the collections of the nine libraries in the District.
19 Pentium computers with Windows 95 and Web browsers are available for students to access information. Three workstations on adaptive tables and one text enlarger are located in the building, however there is no assistive technology on the Library floor. Retrieved information from databases and the Internet can be saved to a floppy disk or printed from a centralized printer. Three coin-operated microfilm readers/printers and two photocopy machines are also available for student use. Each staff member has a computer for administrative library functions. A screen and LCD projector are available behind the Reference Desk for database demonstrations. Two electronic training rooms equipped with an LCD projector and workstations are located in the building.
B. LAMC Library Mission Statement
The mission of LAMC Library is to provide our students, staff, faculty and community members with access to organized collections and information, to support instruction, and in collaboration with other academic programs, to encourage and facilitate information competency and critical thinking skills in all students.
Goal 1: Organize, maintain and expand access to information resources.
31. Explore converting audio visual materials to digital format
including licensing
and copyright issues
Budgetary Implications:
The college relies on additional funding sources to support library information technology and services. Current periodical and reference databases are funded from TTIP and Block Grant funds. Implementation of our basic Library Automation System was funded by LACCD. Funds from TTIP provided upgrades to the library system. Adjunct library faculty on occasion are funded through specially funded programs. The college relies on LACCD to maintain and provide technical support for the Automated Library System. With the decentralization process that LACCD is undergoing, each college library may be required to contribute annually to the administration of the LACCD Automated Library System. Without outside funding many existing information services would cease.
Online databases: $25,000
Additional Library faculty: See Goal 5
Automated Library System: undetermined
Online reference, reserve and video services: undetermined
Assistive technology and software: $20,000
Goal 2: Provide information-seeking, critical analysis skills to all students so that they become proficient users of information and information technology
Budgetary Implications:
Difficult decisions were made when the existing library staff could no longer support the new databases, library system, and services. Because additional funds were not available for additional staff, Library hours were shortened and research assistance hours were reduced at the reference desk. Additional faculty is needed to restore and increase research assistance hours available to students, and to develop and expand the curriculum and teaching program. A commitment to teaching students the necessary information competency skills necessary to become proficient users of information and information technology is crucial. The college budget has not been able to support these basic instructional services for students. A faculty librarian dedicated to teaching and information competency is essential to student success.
Additional Library faculty: See Goal 5
Equipment for Library instruction room: $50,000
Facility instruction room modification: undetermined
Goal 3: Make the library an inviting, student-oriented place to work and learn
Budgetary Implications:
Reliable access to library and information resources is essential
for students to
complete class assignments and to succeed. It is imperative that
information technology be reliable and maintained. Reliable and
maintained technology requires additional staff in both the Library
and Computer System Services (CSS).
Staffing: See Goal 5
Parts inventory: undetermined
Goal: 4: Maintain a technical infrastructure that will support access requirements of students, faculty and staff into the 21st century
Budgetary Implications:
The technical support and infrastructure of the Library and
the College requires
coordination. The College plans to hire a Dean of Technology
to help coordinate the computing and information technology requirements
of the academic programs and administrative functions of the
college. Funds are needed to maintain, replace, or upgrade all
equipment, software, and telecommunication lines of the college.
Equipment upgrades: undetermined
Network and Telecommunication line upgrades: undetermined
Staffing: See Goal 5
LCD projector, computer and cart: $7,000
Goal 5: Develop and maintain a human resources infrastructure in the LAMC Library to ensure effective functioning in the rapidly evolving information environment
Budgetary implications:
Accomplishing the goals and strategies in the Library Technology Master Plan is dependent on additional staffing.
Library Faculty:
The library faculty needs to be expanded by adding a Systems Librarian and an Information Competency Librarian. The Systems Librarian in consultation with the Library Department Chair would be responsible for creating, developing, and maintaining the expanding online environment including coordinating systems licenses and subscriptions, acquiring software, planning hardware upgrades, and expanding online library services such as electronic reserves, online reference, online tutorials and courses. The Information Competency Librarian would be responsible for coordinating, and collaborating with the college to develop and provide information competency skills through bibliographic instruction, library orientations, hands-on research workshops, tutorials, and instructional programs.
Systems librarian: $60,000
Information Competency/Instruction librarian: $60,000
Library Staff:
The circulation desk staff is responsible for patron records
and circulation
transactions. They are also responsible for reserve, periodical,
and centralized printing transactions. The circulation desk staff
maintains the stacks and trouble shoots centralized printing,
the photocopy and the microfilm machines. Mastering the circulation
software requires a great deal of training. It requires that
the circulation desk be staffed and supervised consistently by
a college employee. Many times one student worker is the only
staff available for performing the numerous circulation desk
duties. A morning and Saturday Circulation Services Supervisor
is needed to perform and supervise circulation desk duties. Additionally
a student worker is needed every hour the library is open to
assist with printing, microfilm readers, and photocopy machines.
Circulation Services Supervisor: $40,000
Additional Student Workers: $10,000
CSS Staff: cost undetermined
D. Review and Evaluation of Library Technology Master Plan
The Library plans to review, evaluate, and
update the Library Technology Master Plan
annually. During this annual review the Library Technology Master
Plan will be coordinated with the College Technology Master Plan.
E. Implementation and Funding Timetable
E. Los Angeles Mission College
Strategies |
Completed or continuing 1998- |
2000- |
2001- |
2002- |
Staffing and Funding Issues |
Increase library hours (1.1) | Ö | Provision of hourly librarian faculty and student workers | |||
Implement cataloging, online public access catalog, and circulation system, and maintain access to the LACCD automated library system (1.3) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
Convert books and other holdings to LC MARC format (1.2) | Ö | Personnel time. LACCD Library Automation funds assumed the cost of conversion | |||
Implement Interlibrary Loan between LACCD libraries (1.12) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
Increase access to non-LAMC resources (1.8) | Ö | Personnel time and annual cost of resources if applicable | |||
Develop and maintain library web page (1.7) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
Provide easy, effective access to core collection of electronic full text databases that can be accessed on-site or remotely (1.13) | Ö |
TTIP and State Instructional Equipment Funds-$25,000 Personnel time to maintain |
Purchase and install Group III compliant FAX machine for ILL (1.27) | Ö | $2,000 TTIP | |||
Conform to all relevant standards (LCMARC, MFHL, Z39.50) (1.30) | Ö |
Personnel time Conversion costs assumed by LACCD Library Automation funds |
Increase research assistance hours (2.1) | Ö | Additional hourly library faculty | |||
Develop informal database demonstration area in the Library (2.10) | Ö | TTIP funds $7,000 | |||
Actively promote orientation and bibliographic instruction (2.7) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
Continue to emphasize the importance of quality service to students by providing prompt, unbiased, and knowledgeable responses (3.1) | Ö |
Department Chair No cost |
Provide library services with courtesy (3.2) | Ö |
Department Chair No cost |
Enforce necessary policies with tact, courtesy, and fairness (3.3) | Ö |
Department Chair No cost |
Provide a comfortable, clean and safe environment (3.4) | Ö |
Department Chair No cost |
Develop networking capabilities with area libraries, four year institutions, and feeder high schools (4.7) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
Purchase & implement serials module. Convert serials records, install module, train staff, create holding records. (1. 5) |
Ö |
LACCD Library Automation and TTIP funds Personnel time |
Create contract for Acquisitions module (1.6) | Ö | LACCD and library personnel time | |||
Provide a printing alternative for students when the printing network goes down (1.16) | Ö | Personnel time and $2,500 for stand alone workstation and computer | |||
Research alternatives to electronic information access when the college or district network is down 1.17) | Ö | Personnel time. Systems Librarian. Possible costs: $2,000 annually to restore cancelled titles supported by printed indices ; $5,000 per standalone CD-ROM workstation and database. | |||
Refine and implement Web access (DRA Web2) to the LACCD database (1.19) | Ö | No anticipated additional cost to college. Vendor and District Information Technology personnel. | |||
Purchase Windows interface for the Report Writer module (1.20) | Ö | $500 | |||
Purchase TAOS client interface to DRA Classic cataloging module of cataloging module (1.21) | Ö | $1,000 | |||
Work cooperatively with the Chancellor's Office, LACCD, Mission Faculty, CSUN, and local high schools to develop statewide and local information competency/literacy programs (2.2) | Ö |
Personnel time Information Competency Librarian |
With college faculty, develop list of required information competency skills and implementation plan for Mission College (2.3) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
Develop and update point of use instructional materials and make available in print and on the Web (2.5) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
Develop and offer assignment and tool specific research workshops (2.6) | Ö |
Personnel time Information Competency Librarian |
Repair all equipment, software, printing, and access problems expeditiously (3.5) |
Ö |
New library and CSS technical support staff Parts inventory |
Increase information access speed on all computers (4.2) | Ö | TTIP funds | |||
Identify, provide, and maintain all software necessary to run Library applications (4.4) | Ö |
Personnel time Systems Librarian |
Provide necessary upgrades, if needed, so that all staff computers are NT compatible (requirement of new DRA software) (4.5) | Ö | TTIP and State Instructional Equipment funds | |||
Upgrade or replace staff and student computers to accommodate information and administrative software (4.6) | Ö | TTIP and State Instructional Equipment funds | |||
Secure additional staff in the Library to support the existing and changing information technology environment (5.1) | Ö |
Explore TTIP funds for startup and college program 100 funds to support new positions Systems Librarian: $60,000 Information Competency Librarian: $60,000 Circulation Supervisor and technical support: $50,000 |
Secure additional staff in Computer Systems Services to support existing and changing technology services (5.2) | Ö | Pursue college program 100 funds | |||
Convert acquisitions records, install software, train staff and implement acquisitions module (1.22) | Ö | Personnel time. Release time for off site training | |||
Provide remote authentication for online databases (1.14) | Ö |
Systems Librarian Undetermined cost. |
Continue to evaluate full text databases & student needs for possible expansion of onsite and remote information access (1.15) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
In collaboration with DSPS identify assistive technology and software to enable users with special needs to access information (1.18) | Ö |
Personnel time Equipment, software and training $20,000 |
Convert acquisitions records, install software, train staff and implement Acquisitions module (1.22) | Ö |
Release time for personnel $5,000 |
Purchase PC & network upgrades for conversion of DRA Classic to the Client/server Taos system. (1.24) | Ö | Cost unknown | |||
Begin planning conversion steps for migrating to TAOS. Convert LACCD database to an object oriented database. Review status of and functionality of database. Rewrite database policies. Plan purchase and install server hardware, test stability of system. Install client hardware. (1.25) |
Ö |
Personnel time Release time for librarians |
Add four student workstations to help accommodate student information access needs during orientations (1.29) |
Ö |
Personnel time Hope to utilized existing workstations |
Design workshops, in cooperation with Staff Development and the Academic Senate for faculty and staff to update searching skills in the changing electronic environment (2.4) | Ö | Information Competency librarian | |||
Update and offer one unit course, Library Research Methods, a course designed to give students the skills to research, write and present term papers (2.8) | Ö | Information Competency librarian | |||
Develop, purchase, or modify an online research tutorial and make available on the Library Web page (2.9) | Ö | Information Competency librarian | |||
In collaboration with Academic Affairs, the Academic Senate, and CSS develop a plan for replacing and/or maintaining hardware and software on staff and student computers to accommodate databases and administrative software (4.1) | Ö | Personnel time | |||
Develop telecommunication line upgrades as available, to enable the fastest possible response time (4.3) | Ö | Undetermined cost | |||
Provide ongoing technical training and retraining for office and library application software for all librarians and staff (5.3) | Ö |
Requires continuous commitment Possible us of TTIP or staff development funds |
Provide conferencing and teaching equipment (LCD Projector, Computer, Cart) for faculty and staff in Library Conference Room (4.8) | Ö |
State Instructional Equipment funds $7,000 |
Train staff to use TAOS cataloging module (1.23) | Ö |
Vendor training funded by LACCD Library Automation fund College release time might be necessary for staff to attend off site training |
Install training database, schedule training, prepare database for conversion--purge deleted & lost bib and patron records; upgrade or convert items to MFHL format; Implement TAOS system; Rewrite all procedures (1.26) |
Ö | Funded from LACCD's Library Automation fund or State funds. | |||
Provide information, printing, and video access in group study rooms (!.28) | Ö |
$10,000 for workstations or laptops Video cost unknown Possible State Instructional Equipment funds |
Develop and provide online reference services (1.9) |
Ö |
Personnel time Information Competency or Systems Librarian |
Explore providing students and faculty online access to reserve collection. Explore copyright regulations as they relate to digitizing print information for educational purposes (1.10) | Ö |
Personnel time Cost of digital scanning and storage Possible licensing or copyright fees Systems Librarian |
Explore converting audio visual materials to digital format including licensing and copyright issues (1.30) | Ö |
Personnel time Digital conversion and storage costs Possible licensing or copyright fees Systems Librarian |
Develop a 25 user hands-on training room in the Library (2.11) | Ö |
Requires modifying physical facility Explore funding. Possible TTIP or Block Grant funds |